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Seminar za unitarne reprezentacije i automorfne forme

PMF Matematički odsjek (virtualno)
10.02.2025 - 16:00 - 18:00

Dana 10.02. 2025. (ponedjeljak) u 16 sati, u okviru Seminara za unitarne reprezentacije i automorfne forme, putem platforme Zoom,

Alberto Minguez, Sveučilište u Beču, održat će seminar pod naslovom

Local Intertwining Relations and Co-tempered A-packets
In this talk I will discuss the local intertwining relation, which is an identity that gives precise information about the action of normalized intertwining operators on parabolically induced representations. It is required in the inductive proof of the endoscopic classification for quasi-split classical groups due to Arthur and Mok. In addition, I will discuss the construction of  co-tempered local A-packets by Aubert duality and verify their key properties by purely local means, which provide the seed cases needed as an input to the inductive proof. These results are used to make Arthur's endoscopic classification conditional only on the validity of the twisted weighted fundamental lemma. Joint work with Hiraku Atobe, Wee Teck Gan, Atsushi Ichino, Tasho Kaletha and Sug Woo Shin.
Podaci za priključenje:
Topic: Zoom 02 PMF-MO's Zoom Meeting
Time: Feb 10, 2025 16:00 Europe/Zagreb
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Meeting ID: 952 6256 5423

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