Seminar za unitarne reprezentacije i automorfne forme

PMF Matematički odsjek
17.02.2025 - 16:00 - 18:00

Dana 17.02. 2025. (ponedjeljak) u 16 sati u okviru

Seminara za unitarne reprezentacije i automorfne forme,
Wen-Wei Li, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University će održati predavanje pod nazivom:
On the A-packets for genuine representations of Mp(2n)
Let F be a p-adic or Archimedean local field. The local Langlands correspondence for genuine irreducible representations of the metaplectic group Mp(2n, F) is obtained by Gan-Savin through theta lifting. Nevertheless, A-packets are also indispensable for studying the global automorphic spectrum or unitary duals. I will explain how the endoscopic approach (Arthur) can be combined with theta lifting (Gan-Ichino) to yield A-packets for Mp(2n, F) with desired properties, including a global multiplicity formula. I will also report on a joint work with Fei Chen that revisits the correspondence of Hecke algebras (Gan-Savin, Takeda-Wood) from the endoscopic perspective.
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Topic: Zoom 02 PMF-MO's Zoom Meeting
Time: Feb 17, 2025 16:00 Europe/Zagreb
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